Abaim-what do we do -for parent

For parents

For Parents

Society puts an immense pressure on the family unit and parents. It even blame parents when their child fail”. Very few can handle this huge burden on their own. Therefore ABAIM actions are rooted within the community together with parents. Whether it is at Barkly, Beau-Bassin, Le Morne or Grand Bay.  Being able to equip   parents is the key to childrens progress as well as the family.


It is important to equip parents for them to perform their role and responsibilities in all spheres of life. We always put emphasis on, what is children development, from their conception until they are fully grown. At the same time, we enable parents to develop an understanding of their social environment. Training parents also enable them to better understand themselves from an emotional perspective.  We always use a participative approach during training, where parents bring in their own experiences to discuss, analyse and understand.

Listening, Advise, Support

There is an immense amount of pressure on parents but not enough support at an individual level. We created a space for them to have someone to listen to them where their privacy is respected.  This enables us to further understand their current situation, provide advice and support them.