Abaim-what do we do-For the blind and visually impaired people

For differently-abled persons and visually impaired persons

It was important for us to support blind people in their struggle for their fundamental rights to be recognised.  This is what we did in 1982. Since, we have consistently supported this cause even if our focus now has been towards vulnerable children. Many generations of blind people have been using this huge platform of social integration which ABAIM has always been. This struggle continues for those who are still here.


Supporting blind people has always been an important element of our work. They need this support in their everyday life.

Activities targeted to blind people is mainly centred around celebrations which ABAIM hosts. We organise day outs to discover different parts of Mauritius together with them. 


ABAIM is a platform for integration.  Blind people has always been part of our executive committee. To enable full participation in activities we also provide logistical support like transport. Integration also means to equip them with additional competencies. We have enabled that through documentaries on how blind people develop those competencies.

Sensitisation on difficulties that special needs people face

This is an important issue(element) to bring forward the struggle of blind people.  The society at large must understand that blind people have rights and society needs to respect those rights. Also help should be given in an empowering mode rather than one purely based on charity.